We Support You with the Paperwork You Need

At the Hearing Clinic Group, we know that it may be hard to navigate all of the available private insurance and provincial assistance programs. We’ll help you understand and complete the paperwork you need for the program you qualify for, so you will receive your hearing aid as quickly as possible.

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)

Under the Workplace Safety & Insurance Act (WSIA), you may be covered to a certain extent for the expense of hearing aids if hearing loss is noise-induced. If your workplace is located in Ontario and we determine your hearing loss is due to prolonged exposure to high levels of noise while working in that environment, you may be eligible for this coverage. Our clinics will guide you through the steps required to determine your hearing loss is noise-induced and help identify the compensation that is available for hearing aid assistance.

Noisy Workplace

Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)

If you are suffering from hearing loss and meet all the requirements under the benefits provided by the Veterans Affairs Canada, you are eligible for annual hearing tests, hearing aids, and a hearing aid replacement every five years. Our clinics will help to verify whether your hearing loss is noise-induced and meets the standards mandated by the VAC to qualify for hearing aid assistance.

Veteran with son

Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)

The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) often covers the complete cost of hearing aids or helps provide hearing aids at extremely low prices for those covered under the program. Accessing support for hearing aids through ODSP is simple. Our clinics will help you walk through all of the documents to ensure your application meets the requirements of the program.

Ontario Disability Support Program

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