Vertigo (Dizziness)

Dizziness is a common complaint for those over the age of 70.The dizziness may be due to Vertigo (the perception of movement (i.e. spinning or turning), and Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common cause of positional vertigo.

BPPV is a result of a mechanical problem in the ear

It occurs when otoconia (calcium carbonate crystals normally found in the utricle become dislodged and enter into the fluid-filled canals of the ear. The otoconia in the canals interfere with fluid movement, causing your ear to send false signals of head motion to your brain. This perception of movement usually lasts for a minute and is then often accompanied by nausea and even anxiety.

Can Dizziness Be A Sign of Hearing Loss?

Since dizziness occurs most frequently due to disturbances in the inner ear, the connection between dizziness and possible hearing loss needs to be examined. Whether the imbalance is due to the fluid in the inner ear or pressure on the balance nerve it is important to know that any type of imbalance leads to dizziness, which can also lead to tinnitus or even hearing loss. This is why a hearing test is often the first step for anyone who is looking for a treatment for dizziness.

Woman experiencing vertigo

Learn more about hearing loss

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